
Funding 2013-2014

2013/14 Allocations



Previous versions:






Following government consultation and regulation, school funding is going through fundamental reform from 1 April 2013.

There is one funding formula for all BARNET schools and academies which is much simpler than previously.  It has the following elements:

  • Lump Sum (£122,000 per school)
  • Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU)
  • Free School Meals (FSM6)
  • High Deprivation (IDACI)
  • English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Mobility

Schools are protected by the minimum funding guarantee which will give schools at least 98.5% of their 2012/13 per pupil amount.  Schools which gain from the new formula will be capped at 1.5% per pupil.

Other funding sources for schools for 2013/14 include:

  • Early Years (3 and 4 year olds free entitlement)
  • Post 16 learner funding (6th forms)
  • High Needs funding - resourced provision (ARPs), Special Schools, Statements
  • Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium rates 2013/14

 Free School Meals (FSM6)

 £900 per pupil  (£953 for R to Y6)

 Looked After Children

 £900 per pupil

 Service Children (SC)

 £300 per pupil