
Schools policies and support for governors

School policies

Policies are the method by which Governing Bodies communicate their aims and objectives to staff (and parents and pupils). They are the framework for decision-making and action. A policy is a clear statement of intention based on the mission, values, vision and aims of the school as negotiated by all stakeholders. Once a policy has been ratified, it is not sufficient to place it in a folder to gather dust! 

Governors should monitor and evaluate its implementation and impact on the school’s plans and actions. 

The links below provide exemplars of policy and guidance designed to stimulate discussion. Do not simply copy a policy. It will need to be redrafted to reflect the unique context of your school. The process of thinking about a policy and what your school requires determines how effective a policy will be.

Policies and other documents that governing bodies are required to have by law can be found in the Annex of "A Guide to the Law for School Governors".

Please find some model policies below:




Sources of support for governors

Support for Governors is available from:

Other sources of support