
Newly registered childcare providers


Congratulations on becoming a registered childcare provider, we hope that you have a long and satisfying career ahead of you. In Barnet we value our childcare providers and our aim is to have an early years and childcare workforce offering the very best in quality care to children and their families.

To set up an account to access the provider portal, contact the Early Years Registration Officer via the following email:


Early Years Provider Portal

We have an online portal especially for registered childcare providers in Barnet.
You should use the portal to submit details about your childcare services to us so that we can advertise your details to parents.
We also use the portal to collect Free Early Education (FEE) funding claims.
You can access the portal using the following link:  
If you have any problems accessing the provider portal, please contact the FIS Team on 0800 389 8312 or 


Free advertising of childcare places

As you may be aware, Barnet’s Family Information Service is the first point of contact for many people looking for childcare, and the service that FIS offers to promote your service is FREE.
You can tell us about any childcare vacancies you have and we will advertise them for you on our online childcare directory. 
To update your details, log on to the provider portal and complete the following forms:
• Main Details
• Availability & Services
• Childcare vacancies
We will then update the childcare directory with your details.
You can access the directory here.

If you are a home childcarer…
Home childcarers do not have access to the Early Years Provider Portal, but we can still advertise your details on the childcare directory. If you would like to appear on our childcare directory, please complete the home childcarers details form.