
Local benchmarking

To enable you to compare key areas of income and expenditure on a meaningful basis with other similar schools in Barnet, the Schools Accountancy Section has produced a Local Benchmarking Spreadsheet based on the CFR data returns to the DfE.


  1. Click on one of the links above
  2. Select 'Open'
  3. Click on the button to 'enable macros’
  4. Choose your school at the top of the sheet
  5. Click on the grey button to add and compare another school - as a maximum we recommend five additional schools to compare with
  6. Ratios and figures for key areas of income and expenditure will be displayed for your school in column C
  7. The average ratio/figure for your sector will be shown in column D, E, F, G or H
  8. To look at the ratio/figure for all schools in your sector, click on the 'All School Data’ worksheet. Schools are listed alphabetically by sector in column C. Ratios and figures on key areas of income and expenditure are shown in columns D to AX
  9. Click 'back' to return to the website
  10. Click 'No' when asked if you want to save.

An analysis of your ratios and figures with those of similar schools will enable you to fulfil the key Best Value principle 'to Compare’ – which is a key element to ensuring your school is using its resources effectively to meet the needs of pupils.

For further information or guidance please contact the Schools Accountancy Section:

Tel: 020 8359 - 7228 / 7223 