
Religious Education, Worldviews and Collective Worship in Barnet Schools

Barnet SACRE: Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education

A SACRE is part of local government. Its main function is to advise the local authority (LA) or borough, such as Barnet, on matters related to Religious Education and collective worship in schools. If you are a teacher, parent, governor, headteacher, community or faith leader looking for more information and support with Religious Education and worldviews click on to these links to access

Annual Report




Religious Education Advisor to Barnet: Jan McGuire

Jan McGuire is a Religious Education and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Consultant. As an experienced Adviser for the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Jan works as a national trainer, governance officer and Adviser in RE for Local Authorities and educational organisations.

If you would like support with your curriculum or Religious Education in general please contact Barnet SACRE Clerk, Neil Marlow at