
Digital resilience

Digital resilience is about being online healthy and on line safe. It involves keeping a healthy balance in your life,  having the ability to understand when you are at risk online, knowing what to do if anything goes wrong, learning from your experiences of being online, and being able to recover from any difficulties or upsets.

Digital Resilience Campaign

The Resilient Schools Digital Resilience Campaign aims to support schools to build digital resilience in children & young people.

Local research into digital resilience amongst children & young people found that:

  • 91.4% of young people surveyed said they use their phones on a day-to-day basis.
  • 67% said they use their laptop regularly and 66.5% said they watch TV daily.
  • 91% of young people surveyed felt more connected to people via technology than offline.

For more information, please access

Generation Verified Poster

Generation Verified

From identity to pressure for perfection, popularity, and the desire for likes, Generation Verified is a short film that explores young people’s experiences of the online world and how they cope with the unique generational challenges that they must navigate in their day-to-day lives.

This short film has co-production at its heart ensuring that a group of Barnet young creatives experience all aspects of scriptwriting, acting, film making and directing to explore the online world and the effects it has on young people’s well-being. They have owned this process from the start.

The film benefits from being used as a ‘standalone talking tool’ between peers, families, and communities and as a resource with the additional support of lesson plans and additional resources and signposting.

Film trailer:


Generation verified resources

Other resources

Barnet Smart Phone School Letter Template

Digital Awareness UK lesson plans and videos 

Sexting in schools 

Childnet teachers and professional resources 

Childnet resources 

Internet matters teaching resources

Internet matters digital resilience tool kit 

Internet matters gaming advice hub 

Internet matters resources primary 

Internet matters resources secondary 

Parent Zone resources 7-11years – B legends 

Parent zone digiworld resources 

Young minds resources 

Mind matters general resources 

Anna Freud schools in mind 

Ofcom children’s worksheets 

ThinkUknow resources 

Training courses

Young minds resilience training 

Mind matters training courses 

Parent zone training 

Mind Ed resources 

Gamblers and gamers support and workshops with ygam

Evidence/ reading

UK Council for Internet safety UKIS framework policy 

Teaching on line safety in schools 

Education for a connected world   


Internet matters uk 

Parent zone schools membership 

Parent zone reports 

Young minds digital resilience reports 

Common senses media research  

L.B. Waltham Forest digital resilience  

Ofcom children and young people media use report 2019