
Barnet School Food


This web section has been created as a one-stop/hub for school food information and resources (see the 'related content' menu).

The Barnet School Food Standards Programme

The school setting is one place where we can make sure that children and young people can access healthy and nutritious food. As part of our efforts to build a healthy weight culture in Barnet, it is important that the school setting is included as part of a whole systems approach. Enabling all our residents to live healthy and happy lives is central to Barnet’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Corporate Plan- Our plan for Barnet 2023-2026: Caring for our People, our places and the planet.

In 2022, Barnet Public Health launched the School Food Standards Programme. This programme aims to support schools to provide school food and build a food environment that is line with the school food standards and best practice recommendations.

The School Food Support Plan

As part of the Barnet School Food Standards Programme, the School Food Support Plan provides a strategic & holistic outlook on areas that support should cover to improve Barnet School Food. Progress with the objectives highlighted in the plan will be tracked using a collaborative action plan. Please view our infographic for a useful summary.